2000-2018: The Silicon Valley Era
2000-2018: The Silicon Valley Era
The Internet boom gave birth to the emergence of several digital trust giants (historically known as Silicon Valley trust):
At this stage, Internet companies and venture capitals formed close bonds that lived on developing products designed to achieve the highest profitability. They had two main business models:
1.Develop free apps→ keep increasing installations and daily active users of these apps → acquire user data for free → push services and advertisements based on user data → gain profits
2.Develop free apps→ keep increasing installations and daily active users of these apps →acquire user data for free → push new apps and services based on user data → form a trust monopoly
When looking back, we’ll find that this period essentially shaped a farmland fed by data of the whole humanity. The service network weaved covering 100% of the time of human life wrapped private individuals in cocoons.
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