Milestone 1: PhalaWorld Kickoff and Spirit NFT release
2021 Q4
✅ Initiation of the PhalaWorld project. Design of game roles started.
2022 Q1
✅ PhalaWorld Sci-Fi Story framework construction started.
✅ Launch of PhalaWorld social media community.
✅ Shell NFT appearance designed.
✅ User identity system established. On-Chain and Off-chain data testing of PhalaWorld Spirit NFT.
✅ PhalaWorld website system designed and constructed.
2022 Q2
✅ Spirit NFT launch.
Milestone 2: Generation 0 Shell NFT release
2022 Q3-Q4
✅ Origin Shell NFT release.
✅ Origin Shell incubation.
2023 Q1
✅ Shell NFT generation.
Milestone 3: Marketplace launch
2023 H1
✅ Phalaworld marketplace launch.
Achievement and Seal system design construction.
Milestone 4: More to come...
2023 H2
CypherMOD beta: Play blockchain like a game.
1st PhalaWorld P2B experience launch.
Last updated