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How to use your whitelist entry?

What is the mint time for whitelist?

The whitelist is only for the Prime Edition NFT mint, which will start 2 days after the mint opens, that is, 2nd Nov - 4th Nov

What is the privilege of being on the whitelist?

The total NFT amount and amount for each species is limited. If you are on the whitelist, you are ensured to get a Prime Edition NFT, without having to scramble to secure your mint. Also, you can pick your favorite species earlier than everyone else!

What should you notice?

  • Each account will only qualify once. If you won a place on the whitelist from different activities and submit the same account, there will be only one whitelist entry for that account.

  • If you mint a Legendary or Magic Shell with the whitelist account, you can't mint during the whitelist, because only one account can mint one Shell before the last public mint day.

How to use your whitelist entry?

You need to mint a Spirit first and click the update Spirit button, then your whitelist entry can be activated.

PhalaWorld's website provides a "check your whitelist" feature on the Spirit page. If you activate your Spirit successfully, you'll see the "you're whitelisted" tag on the left of the page.

How to report the whitelist issue?

Open a ticket in PhalaWorld Discord, moderators will help with it.

Last updated